22 de septiembre de 2022

Is this the World we created?

By Katy Pavlukhina (Introduction by Messy Blues)


Ukrainian singer and pianist Katerina Pavlukhina recently posted, on her social media, a call to stop the war. Apparently, this call might sound like "One of many calls for peace," however, Katy tackles a topic that no one seems to have noticed or no one wants to notice: The effects of war on the environment and on planet´s behavior.

Beyond the political games that surround the issue, it is true that, as Katy points out, are we the people who must do something to preserve our existence as human beings and the existence of all forms of life on the planet.

Below I transcribe entire Katy's message. Thanks for reading.

Messy Blues

Katy's Message:

Dear people!, Is this pic beautiful?

For sure. Because this is our Earth, but soon there will be nothing left of it!. Why??, because you are silent...

The earthquake in Mexico was of 7.7. on Richter Scale past September 19th and around 6.9 Richter Scale past September 22th. Is this normal?, No, isn't normal!. The ice is melting in Greenland and the animals are dying. Is this normal?, No, isn't normal!. In rainy England the temperature in summer is +36, is this normal? No!!. People have never seen such a temperature here. And also the snow in Africa…

All this is consequences of our silence! Why is this happening? Because of the warriors, because of the bombs flying every day, because of the weapons that break through the ground.

You will say: “No.It's only on one part of the Earth"... No darling… It responds all over the planet with natural disasters! And only we can stop these wars! Think about it!

Thanks for read! Peace and love, brothers and sisters!

Katerina Pavlukhina, Artist.

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